So many choices out there it can be rather confusing… Here's what I've found out so far…

New parents have a lot of excitement and changes to plan for, but they’ll also need certain items of furniture. Here I’ll hopefully give some ideas for new parents.

Let’s look at the nursery for this topic. What do you absolutely need as a new parent? Well, the first thing is the baby bed or cot.

Baby beds come in just about any style you could ask for. You can get a modern design that is almost cube shaped, or traditional with lovely wood tones and bowed sides. Designer cribs are popular, and many designers produce beautiful shapes and colors for the nursery.

But, aside from the style you choose, make sure the crib is safe. It may be really tempting to use that old crib from Grandma’s house. It’s the one she used with each of her kids, and you slept in it when you visited as a baby. However, this crib may not be safe. If the slats are too far apart, the baby may get its head caught between them with disastrous results. If the slats are too close together, tiny arms or legs may become wedged between.

In addition, a drop-side crib can present a safety hazard if it is defective. The antique crib may have a worn mechanism that would make the side drop when the baby leans on it. Babies pull up on the side of their crib as they develop, and for that side to drop out from under the child would send it head first onto the floor.

Another facet of the baby bed is the mattress. Yes, babies need a good mattress. You don’t want it too soft, because the infant needs to be able to breathe if it rolls over onto its stomach. A padded mattress can obstruct the baby’s face, keeping it from breathing.

Look for baby furniture that has been JPMA certified. This is the Juvenile Product Manufacturers Association, and they know to test all the different parts of a crib to make sure it’s safe.



Any parent needs a rocking chair. A comfortable rocking chair is a necessity, because you’ll be spending a lot of time there!

Vintage rocking chairs are beautiful. The wooden spindles of Windsor style chairs are delicate and pretty. But, are they comfortable? This is a lot like choosing an office chair. Look for seating that is at the correct angle for your comfort. Some chairs “throw” you forward in the seat, others force you to lean back.

You’ll also want to look for the correct seat height for you. Consider, too, if you’ll need a footstool. Holding a baby can tire the arms, so look at the arm rests on the rocker. If they’re too low, you’ll have to sit an awkward angle to use them to support your arm. If they’re too high, you’ll have the same problem. Also, make sure that you can lay your head back comfortably. There’s nothing so miserable as dosing off while you’re rocking a baby, and you have no place to lay your head.

changing mat
The third most important piece of furniture I can think of is storage. Most people go with a changing table, which gives you table-top space as well, for changing the baby’s diapers and clothes. This will have a tiny mattress about 2 inches thick on it. There is usually a surface beside the changing table where you can keep baby wipes and other incidentals necessary. Underneath the changing table are dresser drawers for storing the baby’s clothes and other items.

The really neat thing about most changing tables is that they can convert into a student desk later in the child’s life. Some of them have a hinged shelf that flips up, forming a narrow shelf for items above the changing table, and later you can remove the mattress, flip the shelf down, and have a writing surface.

You can easily take care of your baby in safety and comfort with these pieces of furniture available from most furniture retailers . So, enjoy preparing your nursery, and enjoy that adorable new baby, too!

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  1. […] come with a lot of stuff and require even more as they grow older. It is wasteful to get rid of the clothes especially if […]

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